My Current Workout Routines

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

So I used to be big into training for races. I’d say I was pretty hardcore when it came to a training schedule and often found myself burnt out and very tired, but kept pushing because I saw improvements and I had the time. Once winter of 2020 hit though, I really fell off the…… Continue reading My Current Workout Routines

Switching to Recreational Running

Summer of 2020, I ran my first half marathon! It was definitely tough, but I was really using running outside to balance out the negative mental health effects that I was having from COVID and other life stressors. I am so thankful that I was able to run outside as I know a lot of…… Continue reading Switching to Recreational Running

My New Hobby: Running

As someone that never thought she could run longer than five minutes without dying, I was surprised when I found myself enjoying running as a hobby. It started around the end of August of 2019 when I decided that I wanted to upgrade my phone. Now you might be thinking what does upgrading a phone…… Continue reading My New Hobby: Running